Cheminée A., Audran M., Richaume J., Nunez L., Moign L., Barth L., Bianchimani O. et Sys J.-F. 2020
Marine habitats provide various essential functional roles for teleosts. Therefore, the consideration of this functional complementarity through a landscape approach of management measures is essential. Nursery habitats are essential to teleosts’ life cycle and their populations’ renewal yet they are fragile and their conservation represents an overriding stake. Among those nursery habitats, the shallow heterogeneous rocky bottoms, sheltering Diplodus juveniles, remain poorly known among managers.
Thus, the aims of this study were, on one hand, locating and mapping this habitat along the whole Mediterranean French coast and, on the other hand, assessing its disponibility, spatial distribution and degree of consideration in management measures zoning.
Along 2705 km of Mediterranean French coast, we mapped 4989 nurseries, totalling an occurrence on less than 10 % of the coast line and reflecting a low disponibility of the nursery habitat. Moreover, its spatial distribution hilighted an heterogeneous pattern, varying from 3.7 % to 12.9 % depending on the zone, but also depending on the level of protection of the considered coastline. The influence of protection level on the habitat disponibility varied, depending on the zone and its specificities, but demonstrated a global absence of consideration of this essential habitat in the management zoning. Our results hiligthed this habitat suffers from precariousness due to its low disponibility and its absence of consideration by management zoning along with its intrinsic fragility and coastal location.
By releasing those results and the map database, this work attempts to promote a better consideration of this habitat in the management measures and thus, to optimise fishing resources conservation efforts.